Consultant Surgical Oncologist
- M.CH (BHU - Varanasi)
- MS General Surgery (Kurnool)
- MBBS (Guntur)
Publications / Abstracts:
- Paila Gowri Naidu, Nisha R, Mallika Tewari. Invasive cancer in accessory breast: a rare presentation. Indian Journal of surgical oncology. March 2023.
- P.Gowri Naidu, L.Parvathi, G.Usha Rani. A clinical study of post-operative complications of thyroid surgery in tertiary care hospital,Kurnool.Indian Journal of Applied Research. November 2019.
- V.V.Mahesh, P.Gowri Naidu.A clinical study of ileal perforation and complications in tertiary care hospital in Rayalaseema region. Indian Journal of Applied Research. March 2019.
Research Interests / Experience:
- Thesis 1. Assessment of shoulder dysfunction in patients after axillary dissection (September 2021 – December 2022)
- Thesis 2. A clinical study of post-operative complications if thyroid surgery in tertiary care hospital,Kurnool. (November 2016- November 2018)
Area of Special Interest
- Gastrointestinal Cancers
- Head and Neck Cancers
- Breast Cancer
- Thyroid Cancer
- Gynecological Cancers.
Awards / Achievements :
- Gokaraju Hari Rao Endowment fund in Anatomy. Highest marks in Anatomy 2010
- G.V Ratnam Prize in Anatomy
- 3rd prize in ASI Zonal refresher course 2018,Vijayawada
- Cash prize in Ward rounds session - in Chennai, ASICON.
Paper & Poster Presentations:
- Presented poster in Madurai, NATCON 2022
- Oral Paper presentation in Mumbai, ICC 2023